Monday, April 28, 2014

Vintage Baseball

From left to right

From left to right


from left to right


Friday, April 25, 2014

CMS TCAP pep rally

name and grade

name and grade

from left, name and grade

from left, name and grades

from left, names and grades.. and what they won

From left name and grade- both two teams

name and grade

grade level, homeroom. what they won

name and grade


Names from left to right, including grade level

Names from left to right, (Pink shirt, blue bangs, and coral with hand on month)
including grade level

Names from left to right, teacher and student grade level

Just an overall check to make sure we're good

Names from left to right, (purple shirt, pink girls, boy, blue girl) including grade level

Names from left to right, including grade level
names from left to right, including grade level and what they teach

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Midsummer Night Dream

from left to right...starting with boy then girl.
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from left to right names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from top to bottom names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from left to right names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from left to right names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from left to right names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?

from top to bottom names
Also they characters they are playing - along with a scene name?


Name and instrument

Name and instrument

Name and instrument

Name and instrument

Name and instrument

Name and instrument

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Midtown Recorders

From left to right.





KES Center Stage Play

From left to right, names and grades

Orange shirt name and grade, boy in blue blonde head

Name and grade

name and grade-

name and grade

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dyllis Springs Reading Night

name and grade AND who she was portraying

from left, names and grade, AND WHO they were portraying

Name, and Oliver Springs Middle Student?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Midway STEM

From left, names and grade

from left, names and grades

from left , names and grades